Lebanese Swiss Chard with Chick Peas Recipe


3 lbs. fresh Swiss chard
1 cup hummus (chick peas)
3/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup chopped onions
6 cloves garlic
1 1/4 tsp. salt
1 spring green kizbara (coriander), chopped
2 lemons


Wash chard well. Chop stems and leaves separately. Cook chopped stems with quarter cup water in pressure cooker for four minutes under pressure. Reduce pressure, open cooker, add chopped leaves and cook together eight minutes. Meanwhile roll hummus (soaked overnight) with rolling pin to split and remove skins. Remove chard from pressure cooker. Cook hummus in water to cover 12 minutes under pressure. Drain chard well, pressing out water. Combine chard with hummus. Fry onions in oil until brown. Add crushed garlic and kizbara. Add these to chard and peas and simmer on low fire until heated through and flavors are blended. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Chill.

If you wish, this dish need not be prepared in a pressure cooker. Boil hummus until tender. Boil chard stems until nearly tender, add leaves and finish cooking. Drain chard well and combine with hummus. Saute onions, garlic and kizbara. Combine everything, heat well. When flavors are blended. Sprinkle with lemon juice, simmer, pour into serving dish and chill.

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  • swiss chard recipe
  • swiss chard recipes
  • swiss chard food recipes
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